COA (Clean, Oil & Adjust)
This is something we recommend for everyone who puts in a lot of hours on their instrument. It will help your horn to function at its best and ensure maximum longevity of its moving parts. We recommend COA annually depending on the player. If you’d like to take your horn to the next level, we can level your tone holes along with the COA. It will provide a much more stable pad seat and help with the longevity of your pads. Call for pricing. COA begins in the neighborhood of $300.
Fully disassemble instrument
Chemically clean body and neck
Clean old oil and grease from hinge tubes, hinge rods and pivot points
Re-assemble instrument one pad at a time
Replace any pads, corks or felts needed
Oil and grease mechanisms
Mechanical Overhaul
There are many factors that can influence the total cost of a project. Including: the size of the instrument, the overall condition, missing parts and pieces, the amount of dents, the quality of replacement pads, the type of resonator and so forth. It is always best to call for pricing. That said, a typical mechanical overhaul begins in the neighborhood of $1,500.
Instrument is inspected
Completely disassemble instrument (pull pads, corks, felts, and springs)
Chemically clean body, neck, and keys
Minor dents removed
Major dents by quote only
Body tube, hinge rods, and posts are all straightened then aligned
Straight tone holes are leveled by hand; rolled tone holes are leveled by special tools
Pad cups are leveled on bench anvil
Keys are swedged to custom fit both between posts and to the rods
All pads, corks, and felts are replaced to customer specification
Pad Installed with amber shellac
Final adjustments with both leak light and feeler gauge
Test played and adjusted to perfection
Complete Mechanical Restoration
By quote only.
Same process as our mechanical overhaul, but with these additions:
Custom fabrication of new hinge rods to fit posts and keys
Replace pivot screws as needed
Excessive play in keys removed
Custom and extensive tone hole restoration
Custom Restoration
By quote only.
Mechanical overall/mechanical restoration with the following additional options:
Custom silver and/or gold plating
Plating is available in satin, burnished, and brushed finishes
Custom engraving
Playing Condition
By quote only.
Playing condition includes the following:
Pads replaced as needed
Key corks replaced as needed
Adjustments with leak light
Test played and adjusted
Neck Restoration
There are many factors that can influence the total cost of a neck restoration. Factors can include, but are not limited to the following: dent work required, severity of pull down, microphone pick-up removal, condition of tip ring and overall condition of the neck. It is always best to call for pricing. That said, a typical neck restoration begins in the neighborhood of $300. View our neck restoration and tenon/receiver projects.
Neck is inspected
Remove and replace cork
Remove and replace neck ring
Restore tip to perfect circle
Restore proper neck angles
Minor dents removed
Major dents by quote only
Microphone pick-ups removed by quote only
Replace tenon/receiver by quote only
Mouthpiece Repair (Not Refacing)
There are many factors that can influence the total cost of repairs to a mouthpiece. Factors can include, but are not limited to the following: dent work required on metal shanks, replacement of bite plates on metal mouthpieces and severity of cracks on hard rubber and plastic shanks. It is always best to call for pricing. That said, typical mouthpiece repairs begin in the neighborhood of $100. View our mouthpiece repair projects.
Remove dents from bent metal shank
Remove and replace bite plate with hard rubber
Repair cracked hard rubber and plastic shanks with epoxy and band the shank in either brass, aluminum or stainless steel.